SASB is an independent standards-setting organization that promotes the disclosure of sustainability information to meet investor needs. In accordance with the SASB Sustainable Industry Classification System, we are providing the disclosures below to align with the standards of the Financials Sector – Mortgage Finance Sub-sector. We have also included SASB topics from other standards within the Financials Sector that we believe are relevant to understanding Granite Point Mortgage Trust Inc.’s sustainability.

The information provided below covers the period from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.

Mortgage Finance




Granite Point Response

Lending Practices

(1) Number and (2) value of residential mortgages of the following types: (a) combined fixed- and variable-rate,
(b) prepayment penalty, and
(c) total


Not applicable. We do not make residential mortgage loans.

(1) Number and (2) value of (a) residential mortgage modifications, (b) foreclosures, and (c) short sales or deeds in lieu of foreclosure


Not applicable. We do not make residential mortgage loans.

Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with communications to customers or remuneration of loan originators



Description of remuneration structure of mortgage loan originators


Nonexecutive employees who are responsible for originating and managing the commercial mortgage loans we make are paid salary, discretionary annual cash bonuses and, for senior members of the team, annual equity grants to promote retention. These loan originators are not paid commissions, volume incentives or other formula-based compensation. The “Compensation Discussion and Analysis” and “Executive Compensation” sections of our 2024 Proxy Statement provide information about the compensation paid to the two executive officers who lead our loan origination function.

Discriminatory Lending

(1) Number, (2) value, and
(3) weighted average loan-to-value ratio of mortgages issued to (a) minority and (b) all other borrowers


Not applicable. We do not make loans to individuals.

Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with discriminatory lending



Description of policies and procedures for ensuring nondiscriminatory mortgage origination


We do not make loans to individuals, and we generally do not receive demographic information on the tenants who occupy the buildings that secure our loans. We evaluate our borrowers based on their creditworthiness and are subject to nondiscriminatory regulations, such as those under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

Environmental Risk to Mortgaged Properties

(1) Number and (2) value of mortgage loans in 100-year flood zones


(1) As of December 31, 2023, 11 of 73 mortgage loans (or 15.1%) are in a 100-year flood plain.

(2) As of December 31, 2023, $393.3 million of $2.7 billion of mortgage loans by carrying value (or 14.5%) are in a 100-year flood plain.

(1) Total expected loss and
(2) Loss Given Default (LGD) attributable to mortgage loan default and delinquency because of weather-related natural catastrophes, by geographical region


(1) $0

(2) $0


Description of how climate change and other environmental risks are incorporated into mortgage origination and underwriting


See Assessing Environmental Risks for Properties

Other Topics from the Financials Sector Applicable to Granite Point’s Business




GPMT Response

Data Security

(1) Number of data breaches,
(2) percentage that are personal data breaches, (3) number of account holders affected


(1) 0

(2) Not applicable

(3) Not applicable

Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks


See Information Security and Privacy 

Business Ethics

Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with fraud, insider trading, antitrust, anti-competitive behaviour, market manipulation, malpractice, or other related financial industry laws or regulations

FN CB-510a.1



Description of whistleblower policies and procedures



See Whistleblowing Procedures